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Loved Clothes Last

Loved Clothes Last

Daryl loves to tease his sons and tell them that they are going to need REALLY good jobs to maintain the lifestyle to which he has made them accustomed. After buying the beautiful, quality, Canadian made clothes they love, they are going to need a valet to take care of those clothes, just like dad.

Here are the four steps you can take to keep your wardrobe looking beautiful without Daryl (or a valet).

STEP ONE: buy the best quality you can afford. This seems obvious to some, but remember: a shirt from a company like Anian MFG will wear beautifully and wash well for years to come versus a shirt manufactured abroad from lower quality fabric.

STEP TWO: tailor when you can. The right length hem, whether on a pant or a sleeve, makes a big difference in look as well as wear and tear. Even in pajamas this matters. You can hire a local tailor to do this simple task for you or do the job yourself.

STEP THREE: Don't bake or boil your clothes. Wash with cold water and tumble dry on low heat. If you want your pajamas (or dress clothes) to look pristine for years to come, follow these instructions: Daryl takes his sleepwear, washes them in cold water, pops them in the dryer for 2-3 minutes on low heat. Then he pulls them out of the dryer, shakes out the wrinkles and hangs them on a hanger.  He straightens the collar and smooths the plaquette.  His pajamas still look like new years later!  

STEP FOUR: Mend your favourite pieces. Replace a button (watch the video below), embroider a small hole, patch a tear and continue to wear that favourite item with pride.  Thinking Rock has virtual mending gathering you can join every other Tuesday if you'd like some company while you stitch away.  

We hope these four simple steps help you build a wardrobe that you love to wear for years to come. Remember: Loved Clothes Last.



Comments on this post (1)

  • Nov 15, 2022

    Interested in woman,s night shirt

    — Cecile Bourgeois

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